We offer a diverse range of support for young people, helping them to develop better mental health and wellbeing through coping strategies and skills that build resilience.

Our dedicated team of young people’s practitioners are committed to improving young people’s understanding of thoughts and feelings and create a supportive, non-judgemental environment where young people can talk openly. 

What’s available?

  • 1-to-1 tailored programme of support
  • Supported Self Help – Structured 6 session programme which can help with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress.
  • Flexible support calls
  • Leaflets, booklets and information
  • Phone, face to face or online support
  • Support for parents
  • Wellbeing sessions at Youth Shedz, Abergele
  • Mental health awareness sessions for schools and colleges, youth organisations and youth groups.

If you are a parent or young person (11 years old+) living in Conwy or work with young people and would like to find out more about our support, please contact: 01492 879907 or email info@conwymind.org.uk

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