If you are dissatisfied with service received, it is important that you let us know as soon as possible so we can investigate what went wrong and put it right, if we are able to. You might find that talking to the manager in charge of the service informally will resolve the situation, but if not you may wish to make a formal complaint.
Formal complaints will be acknowledged within 7 working days, and an investigating manager will be appointed. You should receive a response to your complaint within 20 working days. Where this is not possible, you will receive an update letter extending the investigation timescale.
At all times Conwy Mind will offer respect, consideration and confidentiality. There are exceptions where confidentiality may be broken without consent such as:
• If an individual’s health and safety is at risk or there may be safeguarding concerns
• If the work or management of a Conwy Mind service is at risk.
• If there is reason to believe unlawful or potentially harmful activities are taking place.
At any stage of this procedure, you can use the help of a friend or relative if you choose to do so. If you wish to speak to someone regarding a complaint, please call 01492 879907, email info@conwymind.org.uk or use the form below.