We are SO pleased to introduce you to our Conwy Mind Mascot – Seren the Seal!

Seren is Welsh for star and a star is a beacon of hope, a shining light that leads the way. It’s a symbol of positivity, happiness or renewal. These are the things we want to offer anyone that comes to us who is struggling with their mental health.

Why a seal?

We decided to make the seal our mascot as we are very lucky to have them on our doorstep. What we love most about the seals is they align with all the 5 Ways to Wellbeing; like us, seals need and like connection, they gather in groups and look out for one another. Walking along the coastal path to see the seals is a way of getting active, by taking a short walk to spot these amazing creatures you’re sure to lift your mood by being active. Angel Bay is the perfect beauty spot to pause and take notice, listen to the crashing waves, see how many seals you can spot and be present to improve your mood. Did you know our Conwy Mind seals are handmade by one of our very talented team members? She used crotchet to create them, why not learn a new skill to boost your self-esteem and crotchet a seal? And then you can give your cuddly seal to someone you love or donate it to charity.

Crochet your own Seren the Seal!

Our cuddly Seren was crocheted by one of our very talented Conwy Mind team, Suzanne! As much, as we’d love to have hundreds of Seren’s for people to have their own, we need Suzanne in the office carrying out her vital work for Conwy Mind. SO, why not get creative, learn a new skill and crochet your own Seren the Seal?

You can then have your very own Seren the Seal to keep for yourself or give to someone you love!

Download the crochet Seal pattern here: Crochet Seal Pattern

And if you do create your own, make sure you let us know and send pictures to nicola.jones@conwymind.org.uk so we can show everyone your handy work!

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